Hempel Classic Antifoul 2.5L
An antifouling that is perfect for boats operating mainly in cold waters (Fresh & Salt water). Hempel's Classic can reduce fuel consumption by 4%.
The application can cover 11 metres square 2 per litre and will take four hours to dry if applied at 20C. Drying times double at a drop of 10C and halve at a rise of 10C.
You can apply the antifoul via a spray (professional use only), a roller or a paint brush. If you are using a roller or a paint brush more coats may be needed to achieve the correct thickness. Once complete and the antifoul is dry, you can put the vessel back into water straight away, although we recommend you wait 24 hours. This may need to be delayed by two to three days in cold temperatures or up to two weeks in direct sun. The substance will change to its final colour one week after being exposed to water.
It will change to its final colour approximately one week after exposure to water.